(Fwd) SYS-RESOURCE at The Natural History Museum

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Sun Sep 24 17:38:14 EST 2000

Annelida members - An opportunity for Europeans worth repeating.

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:      	Fri, 15 Sep 2000 10:22:22 +0100
Send reply to:  	Christopher Humphries <cjh at NHM.AC.UK>
From:           	Christopher Humphries <cjh at NHM.AC.UK>
Organization:   	Natural History Museum
Subject:        	SYS-RESOURCE at The Natural History Museum
To:             	TAXACOM at USOBI.ORG

Dear researcher.

Through the European Commission's Improving Human Potential (IHP)
Programme, funds have been made available to provide access to European and
Associated State scientists to undertake short visits to utilize the
facilities of The Natural History Museum (NHM) and its associates for
research purposes. Visits of up to a maximum three months are permissible.

Research at NHM has a structure, which fosters a multi-disciplinary
approach to the applied use of the collections and taxonomic knowledge.
Users will be mentored by our permanent staff and will work alongside other
visiting scientists. Users will be offered tailored training and an
opportunity to present their work as part of the regular NHM seminar

The Natural History Museum is one of the world's leading centres for
taxonomic research with the following resources available:

· A collection of over 68 million natural history specimens, including
800,000 types and a world class natural history library of over 1 million

· Internationally-renowned taxonomic and systematic skill base of more than
320 staff

· Comprehensive high-speed IT network to which every staff member is
connected and an infrastructure for the Museum-wide Collections Database

· Molecular Biology Unit: High specification automated DNA sequencers and
Polymerase Chain Reaction machines, alloenzyme electrophoresis, radio
isotope suites, UV spectrophotometry, digital gel imaging systems and
automated image analysis

· Analysis and Imaging Facility: state-of-the-art analytical,
high-resolution, low-voltage and environmental scanning electron
microscopes; electron probe microanalysis; cathodoluminescence; confocal
microscopy; atomic absorption, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission,
inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy and infra-red spectroscopy;
X-ray diffraction facilities.

· GIS Unit: networked SUN computers running, Arc/Info 7.1, Arcview 3 GIS,
and ERDAS Imagine 8.2

We are inviting applications from the 15 member states of the EU Austria,
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom,
organisations in European Economic Area + associated States : Norway,
Iceland, Liechtenstein (EEA), + Israel Switzerland.  Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia.

Proposals are welcome from high calibre researchers seeking access to The
Natural History Museum (NHM), The Linnean Society and Royal Botanical
Gardens, Kew.  Visits of up to 60 working days are permissible.

The Project is able to meet the costs of :

* International travel
* Accommodation in London
* A per diem to cover living costs
* Research related costs including: bench fees; consumables (including
molecular biology)

Deadline: 15 October 2000

For more details contact:


Lyanne Houseago

Research and Consulting Office
Cromwell Road
UK       SW7 5BD
Email: l.houseago at nhm.ac.uk

Fax: +44 (0) 20 7942 5841
Lyanne Houseago email: L.Houseago at nhm.ac.uk
Liaison Officer, Research Tel:  +44 (0)20 7942 5019
Research & Consulting Office Fax: +44 (0)20 7942 5841
The Natural History Museum
London SW7 5BD, UK

EU Grant: SYS-RESOURCE: Access to Research Infrastructures

Deadline: 15 October 2000

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  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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