Web site with Ward & Fauchald 1997 Polychaete Bibliography now working again

Petersen, Mary Elizabeth (MSX) MEPetersen at zmuc.ku.dk
Mon Sep 25 19:01:10 EST 2000

Monday, 25 September 2000


After disrupted service caused by a server crash during vacation, 
subsequet influenza (and gremlins in the program?), the www Ulm 
University EndNote version of the Ward & Fauchald 1997 Polychaete 
Bibliography is now up and accessible again at the link:

Dr. Fabian Haas has once again rallied to the challenge of fussy users. 
Note that the issue numbers are included (in parentheses), and that series 
numbers or letters will be added in the future. If there are problems with the 
SYSTEM, contact Fabian [fabian.haas at biologie.uni-ulm.de]; if you find 
errors in the INFORMATION, contact Linda Ward 
[ward.linda at nmnh.si.edu].  

Many thanks to Linda for making this information available and to Fabian 
and Ulm University for making it available online to those of us whose either 
don't have this useful database installed or whose computers tend to freeze 
with DOS!  

Mary E. Petersen
Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen
E-mail: mepetersen at zmuc.ku.dk


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