Web site with Ward & Fauchald 1997 Polychaete Bibliography now working again

Dieter Waloßek dieter.walossek at biologie.uni-ulm.de
Tue Sep 26 05:57:02 EST 2000

And further to Mary's notes (thanks for this anyway, Mary):

Anyone feeling to deposit similar information on a server like ours with 
kind of guarantee of long life (one never knows for sure if they close 
down whole universities once) can contact us and we will be happy to 
install this too. Also it may be good to think among you annelid workers of 
how to upgrade the literature database. Are there any attempts? WIll new 
data sent to us? May be Linda or Kristian may contact me on this matter? 
Any further suggestions and critics are welcome (also if there are problems
with the server - last time in the "summer hole" we simply didn't see it,
and the mistake was new to us too),
         cheers DIETER

Prof. Dr. Dieter Waloßek
University professor & Head of the Section for Biosystematic Documentation
University of Ulm, Helmholtzstrasse 20, D-89081 Ulm
Tel. xx49-(0)731-50-31000/50-31001, Fax (0)731-50-31009
email: dieter.walossek at biologie.uni-ulm.de

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