Postconference course

Elin Sigvaldadottir elins at ni.is
Tue Sep 26 06:56:43 EST 2000

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to a course that will be held in 
connection to the 7. International Polychaete Conference in Reykjavik 
2001. You can also find this information on our homepage: 

Best regards

Elín Sigvaldadóttir

A postconference course in systematics will be held at the Sandgerdi 
Marine Centre 9-27 July 2001  

The course is mainly intended for postgraduate and early postdoctoral 
workers. These people will be given preference if there is heavy demand. 
The arrangers and main teachers will be Fredrik Pleijel and Greg Rouse. 
Contact person is Elín Sigvaldadóttir: elins at ni.is  

The course is planned to run for 18 days. Emphasis will be on 
systematics and cladistics. Lectures will cover areas such as polychaete 
morphology, diversity, reproduction and 'ecology', cladistics, molecular 
and morphological data, classification, species concepts, and 

Each participant will be involved in a project relevant to the course, either 
individually or in groups. Participants can bring their own material and 
data, or choose among the following suggestions:  

Systematics of Chaetopteridae GR
Position of Spirorbinae within Serpulidae GR
Relationships withinOweniidae GR
Relationships withinScalibregmatidae GR
Revision of Nerillidae FP
Revision of Lacydoniidae FP
Phylogenetic relationships of Archinomidae FP
Relationships between Chaetoparia (Phyllodocidae) and Lopadorhynchidae FP
A preliminary phylogeny of Nephtyidae FP
Alignments of syllid and hesionid dorsal cirri alternations FP
Growth patterns of Hyalinoecia tubes FP

The intention is that any chosen suggested study will be initialised and 
commenced during the course. As these projects will be largely based on 
literature studies we highly recommend the students to choose projects in 
advance and to prepare by perform literature search. The main 
responsible (indicated by the initials above) should also be contacted in 
advance for planning.   

Applications must be received by 30 November 2000. Successful 
applicants will receive additional information concerning the course. You 
can find the application form on: http://www.ni.is/7IPCI/registr.htm or 
contact Elin Sigvaldadóttir directly: elins at ni.is  

The course will be held at the Sandgerdi Marine Centre: situated in a little 
village 60 kilometres from the capital city Reykjavik. It will be limited to 10-
15 participants, and will cost ISK 60.000 (aproximate price). The fee 
includes accommodation (simple 2 beds room, bed clothing included) 
and one meal/day during the whole course, not including Saturdays and 
Sundays. No other expenses will be covered by the organization. Free 
cooking facilities will be available to participants.  

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