> Also it may be good to think among you annelid workers of
> how to upgrade the literature database. Are there any attempts? WIll new
> data sent to us? May be Linda or Kristian may contact me on this matter?
Well, firstly a reminder that the original Papyrus and EndNote file
versions of W&F are freely downloadable from:
They've been there since 1997 of course when I created the EndNote
conversion of Linda's files. That conversion I seem to recall was the
dataset Dieter's team used.
As for updates I'll defer to whatever Linda wants to offer (I've been
assuming Linda will have her own improved online version at the
Smithsonian fairly soon), but I do have a reasonably comprehensive
1997-2000 Polychaeta in EndNote format that was going to be made
available as online files at some stage.
Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>
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