Adrian & all,
Usually I view palaeontological imaginings with a fairly jaundiced eye. In
this paper the interpretation of 'not polychaete', is rather convincing,
because of the unpaired plates or valves present. But the beast seems to
have no close equivalent in molluscs. I see that the authors' paper
describing the method of producing & integrating the reconstruction
images taken from serial grindings, effectively the equivalent of
microtoming the fossil, or doing a destructive CAT scan, is still in press.
The detail achieved is amazing. One wonders if anyone would like to try
that with a fresh polychaete. Could be very interesting.
Don't know about the propriety under the code of not explicitly defining a
new genus though. If every new thing is a new genus palaeontology should
be using uninominals maybe?
> An exceptionally preserved vermiform mollusc from the Silurian of England
> Mark D. Sutton, Derek E. G. Briggs, David J. Siveter, Derek J. Siveter
> Nature 410, 461 - 463 (22 March 2001)
Geoff Read < at>
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