Getting polychaetes to chill out

James Blake jablake at ix.netcom.com
Thu Jan 25 21:41:24 EST 2001

Propylene phenoxetol was widely hailed as a relaxant in the 1970's, and 
was found to work well as a for a wide variety of invertebrates, but has 
since  been demonstrated to be a carcinogen. Hence, use only with 

Sendall, Kelly wrote:

> I am interested in hearing about any experience anneliders might have in
> using propylene phenoxytol as a relaxant on polychaetes before fixation.

James A. Blake, Ph.D.
ENSR Marine & Coastal Center
89 Water Street
Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543
Tel: (508) 457-7900 (w)
Tel: (781) 585-5822 (h)
FAX: (508) 457-7595
<jablake at ix.netcom.com>

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