Forwarded from another list. The scholarship is for USA graduates only
by the way, and applications close 4 April. The website also has a nice
background piece about Nancy Foster at:
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Date sent: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 09:36:59 -0600
Subject: Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
FYI---for scholarships for graduate studies (includes curation and
preservation) for women and minorities. More information at
The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program provides support for
outstanding scholarship and encourages independent graduate-level
research in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology,
particularly by women and members of minority groups. For fall 2001,
Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarships will carry a 12-month stipend for each
student of $16,800 and an annual cost-of-education allowance of up to
$12,000. Masters students may be supported for up to two years, and
doctoral students for up to four years. For fiscal year 2001,
approximately five Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarships will be awarded.
Applications for fall 2001 are being solicited from March 8 through April
4, 2001. Application packages must be postmarked by April 4, 2001 to
be eligible for consideration.
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