Further enquiry from Lawrence Breen

Lawrence Breen lawrenceb at thefutureiswild.com
Thu Mar 29 18:21:39 EST 2001

Dear Annelida listers,

Firstly I would like to thank everyone for their positive response to my
e-mail regarding my footage enquiry.  The search is still on, as I am trying
to get across the widest range of sources.

In the meantime, and as a short enquiry, a colleague on the production has 
asked me to find out if anyone knows of a good example of a polychaete 
dendogram that goes into detail within the group.   

Again, I look forward to any help or advice offered.

Yours sincerely

Lawrence Breen

'The Future is Wild' Limited
33 West Park
Bristol, BS8 2LX
United Kingdom

tel: UK (0)117 987 6783
fax: UK (0)117 914 4173
e-mail:  lawrenceb at thefutureiswild.com

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