7IPCI - third circular

elins at ni.is elins at ni.is
Fri May 11 17:16:34 EST 2001

Dear Polychaete people

The third circular of the Polychaete Conference that will be held in 
Iceland 2-6 July 2001 is now available at http://www.ni.is/7IPCI . There 
you can find the program (preliminary), list of participants and list of 
poster presentations.  

This information will also be send to all participants via e-mail within few 

Best regards


Elin Sigvaldadottir
Icelandic Institute of Natural History
PO Box 5320
125 Reykjavik, Iceland
Phone: +354 590 0500
FAX: +354 590 0595
E-mail: elins at ni.is

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