>I am looking for information of the serpulid Hydroides sanctaecrucis.
>We have had an enquiry from someone who has found it in Australia and are
>interested to know if it could be a problem species. Is it a fouling
>species? I think it is Carribbean.
Are you sure it is really correctly identified from Australia by the
"someone"? There are about 100 species in the genus Hydroides, most in
the tropics and details of the operculum are essential for identification. On
the basis of precise views of the operculum some people familiar with the
diversity of Hydroides (H.A. ten Hove, Amsterdam; my humble person; and
some others on the list) should be able to verify if really that species. Yes,
it is a Caribbean species, somewhat similar to Hydroides dianthus which is
absent from those southern waters. H. sanctaecrucis has been reported
(correctly!) by Fauvel from French Guyana. I have seen this material at the
Paris Museum. I also have seen additional material from that area. It is able
to build tube agglomerations, but I have no precise information under which
conditions it does this. It can be imagined as a fouling species, like various
others in the genus.
Centre d'Oceanologie de Marseille
Station Marine d'Endoume
Rue Batterie des Lions
13007 Marseille / France
TEL: +33 (0) 491041624
FAX: +33 (0) 491041635
E-MAIL: hzibrowi at com.univ-mrs.frhttp://www.com.univ-mrs.fr
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