Periserrula leucophryna

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Mon May 21 22:15:36 EST 2001

Greetings Annelida,

Can anyone shed light on Periserrula leucophryna? I have no knowledge of 
the taxonomy of this genus or species. According to Lee & Koh, 1994 it is 
a Korean surface-feeding NEREIDID, living in the mid-intertidal. It is also 
extremely large at 56 cm. It may have been described by Paik in 1977 (ref 
below), but this paper does not seem to be noted in Zoological Record.  A 
just-published paper reports on the  biochemistry of this species.   

Paik, Eui-In. 1977. [ Studies of polychaetous annelid worms of the family 
Nereidae in Korea ].- Research Bulletin Hyosung Women's College 19:131-

Lee, Youn-Ho, & Chul-Hwan Koh. 1994. Biogenic sedimentary structures on a 
Korean mud flat: Spring-neap variations. - Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 

Joo, H.S., G.C. Park, K.M. Kim, S.R. Paik, & C.S. Chang. 2001. Novel alkaline 
protease from the polychaeta, Periserrula leucophryna: Purification and 
characterization.- Process Biochemistry 36(8-9):893-900. 


  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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