Periserrula leucophryna

Daniel Martin dani at ceab.csic.es
Tue May 22 05:45:12 EST 2001

Dear Geoff and the polychaete "supporters",  

this is what I have been able to find on Periserrula leucophryna: two 
views of the proboscis (dorsal,  "a", and ventral, "b") and a detail of one 
parapodium ("c"). I got a Paik's paper thanks to our colleague Jae-Hoon 
Cha. The reference is not the same as mentioned by Geoff, but a list of 
the polychaetes found in Korea, with some figures and brief descriptions, 
which unfortunately (at least for me) are written in Korean.  

Paik, E. I. (1982). Taxonomic studies on polychaetous annelids in 
Korea. Research Bulletin of the Hyosung Womens University, 24, 

Here you will find attached a JPG file with the drawings corresponding to 
this species.  

See you in Iceland!  


[ I have put the image (285Kb) at the Url below. GBR  ] 


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