'NEO-FIX', a formalin free fixative.

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Thu May 31 23:00:26 EST 2001

Brian Foley:
> I have come across a new product developed by Merck pharmaceuticals 
> called 'NEO-FIX', a formalin free fixative. 

I don't imagine this is telling Brian anything new, but for the rest of us ... It 
costs US $52 a litre. It's used for histology. It's alcohol-based. "NEO-FIX® 
can be used for the accelerated fixing of cryo-sections conventionally 
processed by microwave." Merck don't reveal the formula.  

Putting that together my guess is that this is a specialised fixative for use in 
exacting conditions such as medical pathology (tissue biopsies) where 
large numbers of slide sections are microwaved to improve fixative 
penetration. Hot formaldehyde fumes would not be very nice stuff to work 
with, hence maybe Neo-Fix.   

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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