Dear All:
I read this topic with special interest. As you may know, formalin alter the
DNA sequence. When I find small number of strange species, I am so confused,
saying, "To fix, or not to fix? That is the question". It is important to
get the genome data, but keeping possible type specimen is also important.
The latter requests good fixed condition.
Does anyone know the fixative which does not alter the DNA sequence?
> I don't imagine this is telling Brian anything new, but for the rest of
> us ... It costs US $52 a litre. It's used for histology. It's
> alcohol-based. "NEO-FIX can be used for the accelerated fixing of
> cryo-sections conventionally processed by microwave." Merck don't reveal
> the formula.
>> Putting that together my guess is that this is a specialised fixative for
> use in exacting conditions such as medical pathology (tissue biopsies)
> where large numbers of slide sections are microwaved to improve fixative
> penetration. Hot formaldehyde fumes would not be very nice stuff to work
> with, hence maybe Neo-Fix.
Masumi YAMAMURO (D Sc)
Institute for Marine Resources and Environment
AIST Tsukuba Central 7
Tsukuba 305-8567 Japan
Tel. 81-298-61-3766
Fax 81-298-61-3589
E-mail m-yamamuro at aist.go.jp
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