Natural History Inquiry of Namalycastis abiuma

Marshall, Melanie Melanie.Marshall at MNCPPC.ORG
Thu Aug 15 15:05:37 EST 2002

Dr. Read, I am a park naturalist at Meadowside Nature Center in Rockville, 
MD, USA requesting any and all data available on Namalycastis abiuma, 
known here as the "Nuclear Bloodworm".  It is being sold as live bait 
throughout the Delmarva pennisula and the  distributor for this imported bait 
did not have a fact sheet to go with it nor could they tell me much about it.  
Internet research and phone calls have also yielded little pertinent information 
other than "if you get a reply let us know".  Longevity, habitat, feeding 
requirements as well as any information or data on keeping them as an 
intrepretive animal for display. USDA and other official agencies are just 
starting to look into the advisability of allowing this polychaete in as a live bait 
animal.  Thank you in advance for any assistance you can render.  

Melanie Marshall
Park Naturalist
Meadowside Nature Center
5100 Meadowside Lane
Rockville, MD USA  20855-1812
(301) 924-4141
melanie.marshall at mncppc-mc.org

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