Questions about Ficopomatus enigmaticus and Neopomatus ushakovi

Michael Wilke hydrobio at club-internet.fr
Fri Dec 13 19:35:17 EST 2002

Dear Dr. G. Read

A collegue of mine working on Annelidae in Blanes/Spain has sent me 
your e-mail adress advicing me kindly to write to you concerning several 
questions about Ficopomatus enigmatus (Fauvel). In fact, we are at the 
beginning of a research programm on this serpulid which is filling up 
several of our lagoons here in South France and causes a lot of 
problems for local people.  

My two questions concern first a systematic problem: I read in some 
older literature that scientists working on these serpulids confused two 
species Ficopomatus enigmaticus (former Mercierella enigmaticus) and 
Neopomatus ushakovi (Pillai), considering them as one and the same 
species. Do you know or anyone of your collegues if new systematics 
confirm today that Ficopomatus enigmaticus and Neopomatus ushakovi 
are two species??  

My second question concerns the distribution of Ficopomatus 
enigmaticus in European waters in general and in the Mediterranean in 
particular. Do you or your collegues know about actual distribution of F. 
engigmaticus in Europe and if any scientists are actually working on this 
species in the Mediterranean (in Spain, Italy or elsewhere)?  

I am very greatful for all possible help and look forward hearing from you

with very best wishes,

Dr. Monica Müller
Centre d'Etudes Hydrobiologiques/ Perpignan France

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