Bibliographic resource

polychaeta at tiscali.it polychaeta at tiscali.it
Mon Mar 11 20:00:06 EST 2002

Dear All,

An old, but certainly still great and interesting bibliographic resource (until 
1930) in available online. It's "Gallica"- http://gallica.bnf.fr/ -, which offers, 
among others, a large extent of scientific works, and hundreds of pages on 
polychaetes. You can find and download (free of any charge or 
registration) thousands of papers on PDF format. Different research 
options are also present. I hope that it can be interesting for anyone, at 
least for the bookworms.  

Best regards

Gabriele Conti

Dr. Gabriele Conti
via Milano 13
09032 Assemini (CA)
polychaeta at tiscali.it

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