Job: Dept Evol. University of Jerusalem

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.co.nz
Thu Sep 11 15:38:31 EST 2003

Forwarded as requested:

Dear Dr. Read:

Dr. Nechama Ben-Eliahu suggested you might be able to assist me in making the 
following information available to members of the Annelid network. I am the 
Director of the Biological Collections of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 
in Jerusalem, Israel. We are looking for serious candidate(s) for holding a 
tenure-track academic position(s) in the Department of Evolution, Systematics 
and Ecology of the Life Science Institute of the Hebrew University of 

The successful applicant will be expected to carry out research and teaching 
in Evolutionary Biology as well as taking curatorial responsibilities of one 
of our Biological Collections, the one most relevant to his/her research 
interests - either the Plant Collection, the Vertebrate Collection (subdivided 
into Herpetological Section, Fish Section, and Bird and Mammal Section), and 
the Invertebrate Collection (subdivided into Aquatic Biology Section and 
Mollusk Sections).   

Our Biological Collections have initiated nearly a century ago, and have 
served as research and teaching tools for generations of researchers and 
students of Botany, Zoology, Archaeozoology, Hydrobiology, Biogeography, 
Ecology and Evolution. Some of the collections comprise the richest and most 
complete collections of the Middle East biota. They are housed in the building 
of the Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, and of direct access 
to the academic and technical staff in this building.  

The applicant should have a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral experience in 
evolutionary, systematic or ecological biology, as well as expertise in 
taxonomic work. CV, list of publications, and a letter expressing interest 
should be sent to:  

Either -
Prof. Uriel Safriel
Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology
E. Safra Givat Ram Campus
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Israel 91904
Or (preferable) -
uriel at vms.huji.ac.il

as well as three letters of reference should be sent directly by the referees
to the above address. 

I very much hope that among the research students and associates in your 
institutions you can find a suitable candidate and make him/her take interest
in the offered position, which is open as of October 2004. 

Very sincerely yours,

Uriel Safriel 

------- End of forwarded message -------

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