The decline of Invertebrate Zoology

vivianne solis viviannesw at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 7 15:08:42 EST 2004

Dear Annelidans: 

The decline of invertebrate zoology as commented by our colleagues is the last 
manifestation of a long ongoing international trend that has already brought 
as a consequence a deficit in training of competent taxonomists in most marine 
groups (since most are invertebrate) which becomes larger year after year. 
This is a subject that many of us regard as a severe problem and a grave 
mistake made by most governments, due to the logics of economic pressures of 
the type that prevent the development of "pure science". How on earth can we 
say something about ecosystems without knowing which species compose (or 
composed) it in the first place???? Most of us, Mexican polychaetologists, try 
to convene the message and lament these facts in  publications or congress 
presentations as often as we can, to try and convince at least our co-

I was thinking that maybe when we meet later this year in Madrid and taking 
into consideration that this is an international problem, we could set apart a 
short time to discuss useful strategies or exchange ideas on how to revert the 
trend. Geoff's comments are very interesting since they point out to 
shortcomings on our part, and I like the idea of being part of the solution 
and not only part of the problem..., especially when I try to get funding! but 
also in the problem initially pointed out by Kirk.  

Worm regards


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