Polychaete taxonomist visits

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.co.nz
Wed May 5 18:13:02 EST 2004

Hello folks,

NIWA, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand,
runs a visiting scientist program whereby  expert researchers in other
countries contribute to particular ongoing programs here. Travel and
accomodation expenses are met during a visit of two or three months, but
definitely not salaries. 

In the marine taxonomy field we wish to support workers with a proven track 
record who are interested in using our museum collection from mainly offshore 
stations during their visit, examine most of the material while they are here, 
do some shore collecting, and then return to their home institute able to 
immediately continue a write-up, possibly with my help as junior author. A 
publication should be submitted as soon as practicable. Possible polychaete 
groups that are currently candidates for such a 'blitz' with the aim of a 
review paper or monograph are various Eunicida (not Lumbrineridae), various 
Sabellida particularly Serpulidae, also Polynoidae, Sigalionidae.   

Drop me a note if you are interested in being proposed as a candidate by the 
Wellington biodiversity group.  Committed and enthusiastic applicants only 
please. The process is competitive within NIWA departments for the pool of 



Dr Geoffrey B. Read    <g.read at niwa.co.nz> 
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
301 Evans Bay Parade
(Private Bag 14-901)
Kilbirnie, Wellington

Tel: +64-4-386-0300
Fax: +64-4-386-2153

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