Forwarded with permission. Note if you wish to control download of the
various Exogoninae monograph pdfs from Australian Museum (ie save the big file
directly to disk via right click menu of your browser) go to the link
immediately below, search for Exogoninae, and work from the page that is
I also enclose a message from the Italian bookseller, Naturama, offering Fauna
Iberica polychaete volumes, with contents information.
------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 16 May 2005 13:55:57 +0200
From: Guillermo San Martín <guillermo.sanmartin at uam.es>
Subject: Publications
This message is to inform you that
1.- The book "Fauna Ibérica 25. Polychaetes I" (Generalities and Families
Phyllodocidae, Hesionidae, Pilargidae, Nereididae, Nephtyidae,
Paralacydoniidae, Chrysopetalidae & Pisionidae), by Viéitez, Alós, Parapar,
Besteiro, Moreira, Núñez, Laborda & San Martín, has been published. If you
want to buy one book, contact with
Servicio de Publicaciones CSIC
c/ Vitruvio 8
28006 Madrid
Telf. 34 915629633
Fax: 34 915629634
publ at orgc.csic.es
2.- My paper on Australian Exogoninae (Syllidae) has been already published in
Records of the Australian Museum. Reprints will not be available until July or
September; I will send reprints under request (please contact me for it in
July or September). However, if you are interested, you can see it in
pp 39-41 [69Kb] (abstract and table of contents)
pp 39-76 [2.38Mb]
pp 77-115 [2.28Mb]
pp 116-152 [1.68Mb]
pp 39-152 [6.17Mb]
Best wishes
Guillermo San Martín
------- End of forwarded message -------
. From: naturama at tin.it
. Subject: book offer
. We are please to offer you some new book:
Vieitez J.M., 2004
Fauna Iberica. Volume 25 - Annelida, Polichaeta I
In 8vo, leg. edit., pp. 530 with figs. ISBN: 84-00-08294-X.
Polychaeta I updates our current knowledge of the Polychaete Annelids from the
coasts of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, through a
description of the general morphological characters and most relevant aspects
of the biolog y of the species of this taxonomic group. As a group that, to
date, numbers almost a thousand species in our coasts, we did not consider it
opportune to include a detailed account of all said species, however we do
include identification keys of the different families as this is the most
important taxonomic category to understand the great morphological
variability that exists among this group of segmented marine worms. This
volume also contains a detailed taxonomic review and an in-depth bibliography
of the families Phyllodocidae, Hesionidae, Pilargidae, Nereididae, Nephtyidae,
Paralacidoniidae, Chrysopetalidae y Pisonidae, in addition to keys of the
different taxons to the species level. For each of the 129 cited species
belonging to the above-mentioned families, we offer a detailed description of
the species, accompanied by the corresponding iconography that highlights its
most important anatomical characteristics, aspects of its biology, and its
geographic distribution.
euro 57,00
G. San Martin, 2003
Fauna Iberica. Volume 21 - Annelida, Polichaeta II.
In 8vo, leg. edit., pp. 554 with figs. ISBN: 84-00-07010-0.
This volume is entirely devoted to the family Syllidae; small, very common
annelids that are abundant in all types of littoral settings, especially at
low depths in marine environments. This book provides a synthesis of all that
is known about this family on the Iberian and Balearic coasts, as well as in
areas of Spanish North Africa. The reader can get information on the
morphologic and biological characters of this family, use dichotomic keys to
identify all the genera and species currently known on the Iberian area and
check these identifications with diagnostic and detailed descriptions of each
taxon. There are plates of drawings and SEM photographs of most species and
281 illustrations of the 161 species studied in this monograph. The reader
should be aware that this family of polychaetes is currently being revised by
the current author and by other contributing authors. Consequently, there may
be changes in nomenclature and classification over the next few years.
euro 57,00
With regards
Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli
C.P. 28 (Succ. 26)
Via Mater Dolorosa, 104
E-mail: naturama at tin.it
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