[Annelida] Research Assistant - Molecular Biology

Adrian Glover a.glover at nhm.ac.uk
Sun Apr 2 01:40:56 EST 2006

Department of Zoology
The Natural History Museum, London

Research Assistant
Polychaete Research Group
Salary £23,000 - £24,000

Molecular genetics of deep-sea polychaetes
A 12-month research position is available to join a research project  
on polychaetes from chemosynthetic ecosystems such as whale-falls,  
wood-falls and hydrothermal vents. The aim of the molecular part of  
the project is to obtain a variety of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA  
sequences in order to address questions regarding the degree of gene- 
flow between these ephemeral ‘island’ habitats, the genetic structure  
of their populations and the phylogenetic position of the species  
that occupy them. One of the main goals of the project is to examine  
the linkages between chemosynthetic habitats of geologic origin (such  
as hydrothermal vents and seeps) and those of biogenic origin (such  
as whale-carcasses). A skilled molecular biologist is required with  
sound laboratory skills and an interest in the fields of  
phylogenetics, phylogeography and population genetics of deep-sea  
invertebrates. The candidate should have a PhD in a relevant field of  
molecular biology, or equivalent lab experience. Experience in deep- 
sea biology, invertebrate zoology and polychaete systematics is  
desirable, but not essential. The successful candidate will be  
expected to take an active role in our whale-fall field program in  
Sweden and the United Kingdom. 	

This project will be jointly supervised by Dr Adrian Glover (The  
Natural History Museum) and Dr Thomas Dahlgren (Tjärnö Marine  
Biological Laboratory, Sweden). Please send informal enquiries to  
<a.glover at nhm.ac.uk>. To formally apply, please see instructions below.

For further information and details of how to apply, please send an  
A5 SAE (1st class) to The Natural History Museum c/o Tribal  
Resourcing, The Atrium, Wollaton Street, Nottingham NG1 5FW or email:  
NHM at tribalresourcing.com

Please quote reference: NHM/RA/KB

Closing date: 28 April 2006

To confirm receipt of your application call the Museum response line  
on 0870 241 9031 between 11am to 2pm Monday to Friday only. No  
telephone requests for details will be accepted.

At the Natural History Museum we value the diversity of our employees  
and the unique perspectives they bring to our business.

Dr Adrian Glover
Zoology Department
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Rd., London SW7 5BD, U.K

+44 (0)20 7942 5056 (office)
+44 (0)77 666 484 40 (mobile)

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