Tuesday, 8 August 2006
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from beautiful Maine!
The article below is copied and pasted from the University of Maine's
website news ( http://www.umaine.edu/news ) for 27 June 2006; I forgot to
check it out earlier, thus the delay. If anyone wants to contact Kelly, her
e-mail is kelly.dorgan at umit.maine.edu There has earlier been an article
about her work in the New York Times.
Mary E. Petersen
mepetersen at maine.edu
Tel +1 (207) 563-3146 x 222
** UMaine Graduate Student One of Popular Science's "Brilliant 10" **
< http://www.umaine.edu/news/article.asp?id_no=1418 >
Get the latest news from the University of Maine at <
http://www.umaine.edu/news >
UMaine Graduate Student One of Popular Science's "Brilliant 10"
June 27, 2006
Contact: Kelly Dorgan (207) 563-3146 x319; David Munson (207) 581-3777
Kelly Dorgan, a UMaine Ph. D. student in oceanography, has been selected by
Popular Science magazine to be included in the fifth annual "PopSci's
Brilliant 10" feature for 2006. The article features young researchers who
are emerging as leaders in their prospective fields.
Citing both the creativity and reach of her research, Popular Science
selected Dorgan from hundreds of potential candidates nominated by
university department heads, editors of scientific journals and others. The
magazine's staff contacted more than 1000 individuals over the course of
this year's search.
Working with Professor of Marine Sciences and Oceanography Peter Jumars at
UMaine's Darling Marine Center, Dorgan's current research examines marine
worms and the biomechanics of their movement through bottom sediments.
Conducting experiments in which gelatin was used to simulate mud, she and
her fellow researchers discovered that the sandworm uses its mouth like a
wedge to expand cracks in the mud, rather than pushing through the sediment
to create a burrow.
Featured in the February 2005 issue of Nature, Dorgan's research not only
sheds new light on the ecology and behavior of marine worms, but also offers
insights into the role of burrowers in the carbon cycle and the movement of
pollutants and other substances through muddy sediments.
The 2006 PopSci's Brilliant 10 article is scheduled for the October issue of
Popular Science.
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