[Annelida] (Fwd) IPA Membership

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.co.nz
Wed Jun 7 15:14:59 EST 2006

Forwarded from Guillermo San Martín for your information. For those who
received it directly note I have re-attached Guillermo's  address list and
constitution word documents. GBR

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Date sent:      	Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:07:16 +0200
To:             	                [deleted]
From:           	Guillermo San Martín <guillermo.sanmartin at uam.es>
Subject:        	IPA

Dear Annelidans,  after the last conference in Madrid we have received many
suggestions of participants concerning the representation of various countries
in the Advisory Council of the International Polychaetology Association (IPA)
as well as other suggestions regarding the way of becoming a member of the IPA
in general.

Since the next conference will be held soon we would like to propose several
changes in several steps in order to secure a good functioning of the
Association in the future and to make sure that everybody feels well
represented. According to the constitution (Article IV, Section 2 b) of the
IPA the Secretary-Treasurer should produce an accurate list of members
following each conference. In order to fulfill this article, please find
attached the respective list of participants of the last conference in Madrid
and please check if you are listed on it and your details are correct. If you
are not listed, e.g. because you did not participate in the IPC8, but would
like to be a member with the right to vote then please let the Secretary-
Treasurer know and give her your details. She will produce a supplementary
list as mentioned in the constitution. Please send your details until the 15th
of July 2006 to the Secretary-Treasurer. This proposal is in agreement with
Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution.

It is our intention to have a list of members as complete as possible because
later this year we will propose a small change in the Constitution regarding
the way of becoming a member of the Association (Article III, Section 2) and
ask for a vote via internet (Article VIII, Section 2). According to the actual
Constitution “Participants at the International Meetings automatically become
members of the Association”. In addition to this the Constitution offers the
possibility to enroll by application to the Secretary-Treasurer. However, to
the best of our knowledge nobody ever made use of this possibility. Since we
know that there are much more active polychaetologists worldwide than those
that are able to attend the conferences we feel it necessary to have these
individuals also represented in the Association.

We encourage you to use your possibilities to take an active part in the
future of the International Polychaetology Association.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!  Wormly,

Guillermo San Martín (President) (guillermo.sanmartin at uam.es)
Ruth Barnich (Secretary-Treasurer) (ruth.barnich at senckenberg.de)
Dieter Fiege (member of the Association) (dieter.fiege at senckenberg.de)

List of members
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     Date:  8 Jun 2006, 8:08
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