[Annelida] Capitella experience

Sergio Salazar savs551216 at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 27 09:53:04 EST 2006

Dear colleagues,

For every taxonomic group, there are several critical papers which should be 
found and understood. The list may be easily found in several sources, and 
large libraries may have a fairly complete access to them. That's fine, but 
what about the experience?

Linda Warren is probably still active. Pat Hutchings collaborated with her 
(and S. Doyle) in the recent revision of Mediomastus. Of course, these three 
colleagues should be taken into account and consulted looking for some 
advice. There is someone else who may have a similar experience and that, 
despite the fact she is always very busy, has such knowledge that must be 
included for any advice on capitellids (and many other groups): Leslie 

Together with other members of Scamit, Leslie has been painstakingly 
studying methyl green methods, especially with Californian fauna. However, 
she has managed to take her vacation time to visit several museums and 
collections to study several groups. This is really impressive, indeed, but 
she has still more: she has participated in sampling programs or in studying 
collections from many World areas, such that her experience and knowledge on 
several groups are really amazing. She has thousands of pages including 
notes, descriptions and illustrations which should be published. Hope she 
finds the time to do that. Meanwhile, I'm sure she will be happy to share 
some of her ideas.

We must, as a scientific society, take advantage of the experience of our 
former and current colleagues. Perhaps, most of it is published already, but 
there is an important amount of ideas that have not reached paper yet. Hope 
we can find the time to be more generous by sharing our views with others, 
so that our research is improved. Un abrazo,


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