[Annelida] Capitella

Karlen, David Karlen at epchc.org
Wed Jun 28 09:29:03 EST 2006



I've been following the Capitella discussion with great interest and
thought I would chime in too.  If anyone is interested in pursuing the
Capitella issue, we have annual monitoring data for Tampa Bay going back
to 1993 and lots of capitellids - including what we been lumping as
"Capitella capitata spp. complex" which I suspect is a composite of at
least two species. I am hoping to go back through our past samples and
try to resolve these ids and maybe have something to present at the IPC
next year.  We also have identified Capitella jonesi, and Mediomastus
ambiseta and M. californiensis in our samples. These data and specimens
are available for anyone who is interested. Unfortunately, we fix our
samples in formalin so the material probably wouldn't be useful for
molecular work, but we can try to collect some live material next time
we're in the field.  So if anyone out there is interested, please feel
free to contact me.


Take care,


Dave Karlen


P.S. I am also working on some macrofauna samples collected around a
shallow water hydrothermal vent in Papua New Guinea for my dissertation
research and have Capitella  specimens from those samples too.    


David J. Karlen, General Manager I

Benthic Monitoring Section Supervisor

Environmental Resources Management Division

Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County

3629 Queen Palm Drive

Tampa, FL  33619-1309

Phone: (813) 627-2600 x1202 (office); x1200 (lab)

Fax: (813) 272-5157

Email: karlen at epchc.org



From: annelida-bounces at oat.bio.indiana.edu
[mailto:annelida-bounces at oat.bio.indiana.edu] On Behalf Of Rouse, Greg
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:04 PM
To: annelida at magpie.bio.indiana.edu
Subject: RE: [Annelida] Capitella


Unless I am mistaken, the type locality for Capitella capitata Fabricius
1780 is Greenland (and a not easily accessible part of Greenland at
that). There is no existing type material, so fixing C. capitata, and
arguably other names for this 'complex', depends on recollecting from
the type locality and seeing what kind (or kinds) of Capitella occur
there and then fixing the name to a neotype; thats if one is fan of
types of course...(thanks ICZN). I presume this would have been done
long ago, except for the difficult naure of the type locality.....

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