[Annelida] New edited book on annelids

Rouse, Greg (SAM) rouse.greg at saugov.sa.gov.au
Mon Mar 6 17:36:40 EST 2006

Fredrik Pleijel and I are pleased to announce the publication of

Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny Volume 4:
Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Annelida

Fredrik and I would like to thank the contributing authors very much for their efforts and high quality contributions. We also wish to thank the Series Editor, Barrie Jamieson for his help with the volume.

More on the contents of book, and on purchasing it, are available at


(note the Volume 5 reference is an error; I have notified the publisher).

An outline of the chapters is as follows. There are various colour plates scattered through the book and numerous other illustrations:

. Annelid Phylogeny and Systematics: Greg W. Rouse and Fredrik Pleijel
. Oogenesis: Kevin J. Eckelbarger
. Annelid Sperm and Spermiogenesis: Greg W. Rouse
. Sexual Strategies and Mating Systems: Gabriella Sella
. Early Annelid Development, a Molecular Perspective: Steven Q. Irvine and Elaine C. Seaver
. Annelid Larval Morphology: Greg W. Rouse
. Larval Ecology of the Annelida: Pei-Yuan Qian and Hans-Uwe Dahms

. Non-leech Clitellata: Barrie G.M. Jamieson and Marco Ferraguti
. Hirudinida: Mark E. Siddall et al.
. Phyllodocida: Fredrik Pleijel and Greg W. Rouse
. Cirratuliformia: Magdalena N. Halt et al.
. Sabellida: Greg W. Rouse et al.
. Spionida: James A. Blake
. Problematic Annelid Groups: Günter Purschke
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