[Annelida] Jørgen Kirkegaard

Eibye-Jacobsen, Danny DEJacobsen at snm.ku.dk
Tue Mar 7 07:03:46 EST 2006

Dear Annelidans,

	It is with sadness that I must report that Dr. Jørgen Kirkegaard passed away on Thursday the 2nd of March at the age of 85 following several years of deteriorating health, partially caused by Parkinson's Disease. Thankfully, he died peacefully in his sleep. Dr. Kirkegaard will be remembered for his many papers on the taxonomy and biogeography of polychaete annelids, particularly those taken during the Danish Atlantide (1945-46) and Galathea (1950-52) Expeditions. Furthermore, he played a prominent role in the development and integration of the global polychaete research community as the convenor - together with Dr. Mary E. Petersen - of the 2nd International Polychaete Conference in Copenhagen in 1986. Jørgen was also simply a very pleasant and supportive person to be around and he will be missed.

	With best regards,


Danny Eibye-Jacobsen
Zoological Museum
Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø

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