Dear Annelidans,
In contrast to the comments by Torsten Struck, Gunter Purschke, and Ken Halanych, I welcome critical comments by Kirk Fitzhugh on the validity of methods currently applied in phylogenetic systematics. I see no reason why a discussion at the Annelid List should be inappropriate. In contrast, this is a perfect forum to discuss such issues. In recent years, this particular List Serve has become rather boring to say the least.
I am impressed that Kirk has the stones (cojones) to stand up and challenge the manner in which Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian inference, and Bootstrap MNethods, and other aspects of phylogenetic methods are applied. After all, we should be concerned that our work stands the test of time. We should not be concerned that someone has bad manners. It is far more than Kirk's "personal opinon" that is at stake here, it is the entire logical foundation upon which phylogenetic systematics is based.
Jim Blake
ENSR Marine & Coastal Center
89 Water Street
Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 USA
(jblake at
PH: (508) 457-7900
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