[Annelida] First Latin American Workshop on Polychaetes

Paulo Lana lana at ufpr.br
Wed Mar 22 14:33:07 EST 2006

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the First Latin American Workshop on 
Polychaetes, to be held at Centro de Biologia Marinha (CEBIMAR) from São 
Paulo University, in São Sebastião (São Paulo, Brazil), from 3 to 13 
July 2006. Besides the usual talks and posters, we will provide a course 
on the  foundations of phylogenetic systematics  and probably a 
post-workshop training course on polychaete systematics at basic levels.

 CEBIMAR, one of the most traditional marine stations in Brazil, is an 
ideal place for scientific meetings, due to its location and general 
facilities. We expect up to 60-70 attendees and though we can not commit 
ourselves to fund international travels, we will be able to provide 
cheap accommodation and meals for about 25 participants. No registration 
or any other fees are expected. Spoken languages will be Portuguese, 
Spanish, French and English.

For further announcements, we will send messages to all Latin American 
polychaetologists who attended our last international meetings and to 
all those listed at the Polychaete Researchers Online at the Annelida 
web page. However, if you are interested in attending this meeting and 
feel you may not be reached through these lists, please get in contact 
with ceamaral at unicamp.br <mailto:ceamaral at unicamp.br> AND  lana at ufpr.br 
<mailto:lana at ufpr.br>. A web page with further details  will be 
operational in about one week at http://www.ib.unicamp.br/ with links at 
www.cem.ufpr.br <http://www.cem.ufpr.br/> and www.usp.br/cbm/.


 Cecília Amaral and Paulo Lana

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