Hi fellow wormers,
I am currently working on a PhD at Flinders University South Australia.
Part of my research involves identifying potential polychaete species for
use in aquaculture for the bait market.
Last weekend I discovered what appears to be an Abareincolid sp. in a
mangrove area.
A search of the glorious 'web' has only revealed that they are found in NZ,
South Africa etc. and some general information about the genus.
Does anyone have ANY information about Australian Abarenicolids, possible
species, biology etc.?
Wilson, Hutchings and Glasby key ID as probably Abarenicola affinis affinis
or A. affinis clarkii based on simple external features, the number of
chaetae with branchiae (13) and the first branchiate chaetiger (7).
I have only used external features as I don't want to dissect them until I
have more in my collection!
Is there any reference to either of these species being found in South
I look forward to any replies and thank you in advance.
Sam Davies
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds
~ Albert Einstein
Ph.D Candidate (aquaculture)
Flinders University
PO Box 2100
SA 5001
* E-Mail: sam.davies from flinders.edu.au
( Phone: (08) 8201 7951
7 Fax: (08) 8201 3015
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