Hi Sam, we work nearby. See the paper below, it may be of your interest.
Regards, Salva
Intertidal facilitation and indirect effects: causes and consequences of
crawling in the New Zealand cockle
Author(s): Mouritsen KN
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES Volume: 271 Pages: 207-220
Published: 2004
Times Cited: 9 References: 29 Citation Map
Abstract: Bioturbation by the ghost shrimp Callianassa filholi and the
lugworms Abarenicola affinis as well as coverage by macroalgae cause the New
Zealand cockle Austrovenus stutchburyi (Veneridae) to relocate by crawling
longer distances on the sediment surface. On the surface, the cockles become
targets for sublethal predation by benthic-feeding fishes, which crop off
their feet. This renders the cockles unable to bury for up to 8 wk, thus
exposing them to a 5-fold higher predation pressure from shorebirds and the
whelk Cominella glandiformis than buried conspecifics. Shell dimensions,
foot size, general condition, gender, age, and infections by gymnophallid
trematodes do not influence the crawling activity of cockles. However, heavy
infection by the digenean trematode Curtuteria australis and the
shell-boring spionid polychaete Boccardia acus reduces the distance
travelled, and these organisms may hence reinforce the impact of the
biogenic disturbers by forcing repeated crawling of the cockles to reach an
undisturbed site. The presence of biogenic disturbers and some parasites
therefore benefits predating fishes by providing them with an otherwise
inaccessible food source, and these in turn benefit birds and whelks through
foot-cropping, thus increasing the availability of prey. The gymnophallids
also receive an advantage through transmission success to their definitive
shorebird hosts. The question as to whether Curtuteria australis benefits,
depends on the balance between its loss to fishes (unsuitable hosts) and its
increased trophic transmission to its bird hosts. The spionid B, acus on the
other hand is negatively affected, since its fate is linked to that of its
substrate, which is the shell of the cockle. If the cockle is predated, the
attached B. acus will perish also.
1. Univ Aarhus, Dept Marine Ecol, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
2. Univ Otago, Portobello Marine Lab, Dept Marine Sci, Dunedin, New Zealand
3. Univ Otago, Portobello Marine Lab, Dept Zool, Dunedin, New Zealand
E-mail Addresses: kim.mouritsen from biology.au.dk
Salvador Herrando-Pérez
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide, SA 5005,
Office phone: +61 8 8303 5254 / Office fax: +61 8 8303 4347 / Mobile phone:
+61 406049010
https://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/salvador.herrando-perez /
salvador.herrando-perez from adelaide.edu.au
From: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu
[mailto:annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu] On Behalf Of Sam Davies
Sent: 03 December 2008 14:40
To: Anneldia emails
Subject: [Annelida] Ababrenicola sp. in South Australia?
Hi fellow wormers,
I am currently working on a PhD at Flinders University South Australia.
Part of my research involves identifying potential polychaete species for
use in aquaculture for the bait market.
Last weekend I discovered what appears to be an Abareincolid sp. in a
mangrove area.
A search of the glorious web has only revealed that they are found in NZ,
South Africa etc. and some general information about the genus.
Does anyone have ANY information about Australian Abarenicolids, possible
species, biology etc.?
Wilson, Hutchings and Glasby key ID as probably Abarenicola affinis affinis
or A. affinis clarkii based on simple external features, the number of
chaetae with branchiae (13) and the first branchiate chaetiger (7).
I have only used external features as I dont want to dissect them until I
have more in my collection!
Is there any reference to either of these species being found in South
I look forward to any replies and thank you in advance.
Sam Davies
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds
~ Albert Einstein
Ph.D Candidate (aquaculture)
Flinders University
PO Box 2100
SA 5001
* E-Mail: sam.davies from flinders.edu.au
( Phone: (08) 8201 7951
7 Fax: (08) 8201 3015
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