[Annelida] Polychaete calendar

Nancy Prentiss via annelida%40net.bio.net (by prentiss from maine.edu)
Fri Dec 5 11:16:03 EST 2008


I purchased Pleijel and Rouse's 2008 Polychaetous Annelids calendar while at
the 2007 polychaete conference in Portland, ME. I enjoy using it and often
refer my students and others to the images whenever I get that funny look
for telling people that I'm studying worms.

Is there a 2009 version? I'm eager to get one.


Nancy Prentiss

Department of Natural Sciences
Preble Hall, 173 High St.
University of Maine at Farmington
Farmington, Maine  04938
prentiss from maine.edu
office: (207) 778-7396
FAX:  (207) 778-7365

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