[Annelida] need help

Miriam Guerra via annelida%40net.bio.net (by mguerra from ipimar.pt)
Fri Dec 26 06:28:17 EST 2008


In Portugal polychaetes have a considerable economic importance as bait for
recreational and professional fisheries and their exploitation (for the
Portuguese market and for exportation as well) has impacts both on the
quality of the environment where they are caught and for the communities
inhabiting the exploited biotopes and, is ruled by Law with a period of
interdiction (see  http://www.apdr.pt/congresso/2008/pdf/E_tudo.pdf).
They are also used as fish food in aquaculture. The species that are
exploited are the Nereididae Nereis diversicolor, the Eunicidae Marphysa
sanguinea and the Onuphidae Diopatra neapolitana. The main locations of
exploitation are the estuaries of rivers Tejo (near Lisbon) and Sado (near
Setúbal) (NW/SW Portugal), they are caught by hand, with a weeding hoe, in
the intertidal zone during low tide (see

I hope to have been of some help for you. Good luck with your work,
Miriam Tuaty Guerra
Institute for fisheries and marine research, Lisbon, Portugal

-----Mensagem original-----
De: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu
[mailto:annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu] Em nome de gambimc from szn.it
Enviada: quarta-feira, 24 de Dezembro de 2008 19:19
Para: annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
Assunto: Re: [Annelida] need help

Hi Samia,
as regards the commercial and economic values of polychaetes you  
should also consider their use as bait for recreationl  
fishing....There are various species collected exploiting naturalk  
populations, while Nereis virens aas also actively acquacultured in  
I can send you some references and pdf reprints on such subject and  
you should also search for papers by Peter Olive....
Another economic relevance of polychaete is related to their  use as  
food for acquaculture, especially for shrimps juvenile growth since  
they are reach in fat acids (see again Olive' papers)....
Now I am out of my Institute for Christmas but I'll be back to you in  
the New Year,
Have nice holidays,
Maria Cristina Gambi

  on Citando Samia Selim <selim_samia from yahoo.com>:

> Hi all,
> Now, I am preparing a state of art about "The economic importance of  
>  polychaetes".
> I will be so grateful if anyone could help me. Please, send me by   
> e-mail: selim_samia from yahoo.com
> Samia Selim
> Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries,
> Kayet-Beh, El-Anfoushy, Alexandria, Egypt.

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