[Annelida] Barcoding Collaboration

Christina Carr via annelida%40net.bio.net (by carrc from uoguelph.ca)
Sun Jan 13 15:19:24 EST 2008

Hi all,
I am a MSc student at the University of Guelph, Ontario and I am in  
the business of barcoding the diversity of Polychaete worms mainly in  
Canada's Arctic Ocean (more than willing, however to expand into other  
oceans and seas).
I am in search of a Polychaete taxonomist to aid in identification of  
my specimens and to collaborate with if the taxonomist wishes to have  
any of their own specimens sequenced here in return.
Please do email if there is any interest, and I thank you in advance.
Christy Carr

Christina Carr
MSc Student
Biodiversity Institute of Ontario
University of Guelph
carrc from uoguelph.ca
519-824-4120 x 52137

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