Hi again,
Thanks so much to everyone who responded to my email, I have received
many thoughtful and inquisitory responses! I will be in contact with
those who responded as soon as I can (after speaking with my
supervisor Dr.Hebert) about further collaborations and replying to
general inquiries.
This is very encouraging,
Thanks again!
Quoting Christina Carr <carrc from uoguelph.ca>:
>> Hi all,
> I am a MSc student at the University of Guelph, Ontario and I am in
> the business of barcoding the diversity of Polychaete worms mainly in
> Canada's Arctic Ocean (more than willing, however to expand into other
> oceans and seas).
> I am in search of a Polychaete taxonomist to aid in identification of
> my specimens and to collaborate with if the taxonomist wishes to have
> any of their own specimens sequenced here in return.
> Please do email if there is any interest, and I thank you in advance.
> Christy Carr
>>> Christina Carr
> MSc Student
> Biodiversity Institute of Ontario
> University of Guelph
>carrc from uoguelph.ca> 519-824-4120 x 52137
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Christina Carr
MSc Student
Biodiversity Institute of Ontario
University of Guelph
carrc from uoguelph.ca
519-824-4120 x 52137