[Annelida] Vouchers again

Csuzdi Csaba via annelida%40net.bio.net (by csuzdi01 from gmail.com)
Fri Jun 27 06:57:46 EST 2008

Dear All,

I completely agree with the previous posts. But unfortunately not only
incorrect identifications but sometimes completely nonsense entries remain
for years uncorrected in the database. See the entries
so on which refer to an "earthworm" species *Lumbricus bimastus* that is a
combination of a correct (*Lumbricus*) and an incorrect genus name (*
Bimastus* instead of Bimastos).


                                                      Cs. Csuzdi

2008/6/26 Geoff Read <g.read from niwa.co.nz>:

> >>> On 26/06/2008 at 4:33 p.m., "Geoff Read" <g.read from niwa.co.nz> wrote:
> > GBR
> >>> "Revisions or updates to GenBank entries can be made by the submitters"
> >> Right, only by the submitters, but they don't do it.
> However, I'm told that the 'only' above is not correct because others can
> submit comments.
> Quote: "There is a procedure for "third-party annotation" whereby
> corrections etc. may be submitted by people other than the original authors.
> I believe that any such contribution must be based on already-published
> material."
> And the GenBank help has: "If you have comments or updates to a record that
> does not belong to you, please email info from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, the general
> NCBI Service Desk and be sure to provide the accession number of the record
> on which you are commenting."
> So that's the process to try if the submitter seems to be unresponsive.
>  Posting of aquatic invert examples where third parties have help resolve a
> problem with a GenBank entry would be welcome.
> Geoff
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res. Prof. Dr. Csaba Csuzdi D. Sc.
Systematic Zoology Research Group of HAS and Hungarian Natural History
H-1088 Budapest, Baross str. 13.
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