[Annelida] Aquafarming? [of leeches]: misidentification

Serge Utevsky via annelida%40net.bio.net (by sutevsk from univer.kharkov.ua)
Thu May 1 15:42:00 EST 2008

Dear All,

The photo


does NOT depict Hirudo medicinalis as suggested by the file name. The
leech looks like Poecilobdella granulosa (Savigny, 1820). It has been
recorded from the Indian subcontinent and adjacent areas of in South Asia.

For futher information see:

H. Nesemann & S. Sharma. 2001. Leeches of the suborder Hirudiniformes
(Hirudinea: Haemopidae, Hirudinidae, Haemadipsidae) from the Ganga
watershed (Nepal, India: Bihar). Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien. 103 B: 77-88.

With best wishes,

Dr. Serge Utevsky
Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology
V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University
Pl. Svobody 4
Kharkiv 61077

E-mail: sutevsk from univer.kharkov.ua

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