Fwd: Re: [Annelida] Aquafarming? [of leeches]: misidentification

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by g.read from niwa.co.nz)
Thu May 8 14:53:49 EST 2008

Fwd: Francis King response intended for the list.

On 9/05/2008 at 1:10 a.m., "Francis King" <yckingf from gmail.com> wrote:

Hi there Geoff,

Thanks for the start off leads articles from my local Malaysian newsmedia
and googled online websites. I have evaluated some of these websites
promoting their farms. However, the Malaysian aquafarm leeches is going
nowhere at this moment as there is no commercial programs kick starting the
demand for these water flying ribbons (Hirudinaria Manillensis). I invite
anyone interested to join me to explore further on creating realistic
commercial program using these triangle jaws blood sucking leeches known for
its anti-thrombin ingredient from its salivary glands. Currently as
mentioned in my previous mail, I send in 3 different charactized leeches (1
type full dark green belly, 1 type full light brown belly and 1 type dark
brown twin black stripes on sides) for DNA analysis to identify its actual
species first. (I will post out the results of the analysis for expert
advice on this issue). Follow up with extracting pure oil form these leeches
to identify its compounds and research further to identify what compound
fromthe oil is important for commercial usage. I am in contact with the
pioneer researcher & pioneer for application and commercialization of
Hirudin extraction method from Hirudinaria Manillensis leeches currently
used on mass production in China for later stage implementation in Malaysia.
Should anyone interested in this field of research I will be happy to
work with you.

As recent report form America on the Heparin Death Case investigation by its
Health authority. The recombinant drug has shown set back. Could it be
possible to restart natural Hirudin production for safer medicine?. I awaits
to see the possibility. My current focus is mainly to research on
leeches anti-thrombin properties ingrediant for implementation to skin care
& cosmatic production industry. Anyone having knowledge from these
fields?. Anti-clotting arteries for old age patients theraphy is also very
good ideas. Will surely appreciate getting some realistic leads.

I have received mail mentioning survival rates on transportation of leeches
is difficult as it does not survive more the 3 - 4 days between destination.
My proven experiance of longer time survival of live leeches for trans
continental logistic is the preparation of the transporting enviroment
medium most important. I suggest using distilled water leech salt mixture to
make hydroponic gel placed with individual live leech into 50 ml cylindrical
air tight plastic tube and place into secondary cardboard box then into
primary carton box. It should survive for minimum 7 days provided the carton
box is placed in cool places and not under the sun for long time. Try it, my
leeches survived from Malaysia to Canada about 5 days normal courier service
logistic routing. I hope with my suggestion, I could be of contributing to
this blog.

Anybody can contribute articles on DNA data for Hirudinaria Manillensis &
Poecilobdella Granulosa?. It could help me to match the DNA results from y
Malaysia aquafarm leeches. Any contribution is appreciated.

Geoff, as the leech oil sold in the Malaysian local market and online
website. My personal opinion for the current moment, I will not use it on my
prize one or even on my skin without finalizing the breakdown analysis of
the oil extract. Most oil extract sold is just crude oil and not refined
with further isolation of harmful compound. Suspecting side effect on
continuous usage. Skin bactrial contemination possible. Known active leech
gut bacteria the Aeromonas Hydrophila present.

Anyone interested to contribute on PDF articles on Hirudin extraction method
from leeches. It would give me an early start on preparation for Hirudin
Extraction practice.

If anyone interested to obtain lower cost live triangle jaws blood sucking
leeches for your research, I will be happy to help out on sending to you.
However, logistic cost is as usually the highest cost that you have to pay.

Hope to hear some suggestion and contribution from all of you.


Francis King
UTAR Malaysia

2008/5/8 Geoff Read <g.read from niwa.co.nz>:

> >>> On 7/05/2008 at 4:12 p.m., "Francis King" <yckingf from gmail.com> wrote:
> > [...] Other
> > parts of the world is facing shortage of leeches and declare certain
> > species to extinction but in Malaysia there are more and more people
> > starting aquafarming of these leeches explored by a promoting company
> > organising seminars (profiting millions in seminar fees) promoting
> > leech farming for profits, unfortunately most of this farmers ended up
> > having quarterly harvest with no demand for it. No doubt, the
> > promoting company does buy back some for oil extraction at low prices
> > but the quantity of leeches harvested from all farms in Malaysia is
> > alarmingly too much that could change the natural ecology balance.
> Thank you Francis.
> All,
> I googled for Malaysian leech farms, finding the following stories worth a
> look if you're interested.
> http://thestar.com.my/metro/story.asp?file=/2008/4/11/north/20890124&sec=North 
> http://www.jphpk.gov.my/English/Feb08%2023c.htm 
> http://alamlintah.com/ 
> I also wondered (naive person that I am) what leech 'oil' might be used
> for, and googled that, with somewhat startling results. Suffice to say it
> may be used for claimed therapeutic benefits particularly applicable to men.
> Oh really?
> Back to the science.
> Geoff

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