[Annelida] Streblospio shrubsol..ei..ii

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by g.read from niwa.co.nz)
Sun May 11 16:29:33 EST 2008

>>> On 10/05/2008 at 9:11 p.m., Vasily Radashevsky <radashevsky from hotmail.com>   
>     Buchanan (1890) described new spionid worms from England and called them
> after a person who collected the worms, Mr. Shrubsole, as Hekaterobranchus
> shrubsolii (later referred to as Streblospio shrubsolii).
>     "shrubsolii", with double "i" at the end, has widely been accepted by
> taxonomists and was also spelled this way by Olga Hartman (1959) in her "
> Catalogue of the Polychaetous Annelids of the World".
>     My question is should we continue using this incorrect spelling or
> change the name to "shrubsolei", as it is required by the ICZN?
>     Waiting for opinions!

Dear Vasily,

Who are we to give an opinion if it is indeed a mandatory change under the current ICZN code articles? Someone will use 'shrubsolei' and there is no going back. Of course we can ignore the change, but some smart referee will point out the error of our ways. 

One could give an opinion on whether it is in general wise or useful still to require grammar-based changes to the text strings devised by original authors, text strings serving only as  human-friendly identifier tags for each entity, the entities as in this case possibly having a considerable literature over 100 years. So I will - it is neither. But since I am not a S. shrubsolii investigator this instance is not going to have any effect on me. If I were I would soon accommodate to the change.




 Geoff Read <g.read from niwa.co.nz>

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