[Annelida] Announcement of Siboglinidae Workshop

Adrian Glover via annelida%40net.bio.net (by a.glover from nhm.ac.uk)
Mon May 12 11:13:47 EST 2008

Announcement of ChEss Sponsored Workshop

Siboglinidae: a model system for the understanding of evolution,  
adaptive radiation, microbial symbioses and ecology at extreme  

Organizing committee: Dr Adrian Glover, The Natural History Museum,  
London; Dr Ana Hilário, University of Aveiro; Dr Thomas Dahlgren,  
University of Göteborg; Dr Maria Baker, University of Southampton; Dr  
Eva Ramirez Llodra, Institute of Marine Sciences, Barcelona
A 4 day workshop to be held October 28-31 2008, at the East-West  
Centre, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Details to be posted on the ChEss website soon: http://www.noc.soton.ac.uk/chess/

Rationale. Recent years have seen a revolution in our understanding of  
Siboglinidae – an enigmatic clade of deep-sea worms known from extreme  
deep-sea environments such as hydrothermal vents, cold hydrocarbon  
seeps and the carcasses of dead whales. Molecular systematic methods  
now place the former phyla Pogonophora and Vestimentifera within the  
highly derived polychaete clade Siboglinidae. Within the last 4 years,  
an entirely new radiation of siboglinids, Osedax, has been discovered  
living on whale-carcasses. New advances in our knowledge of siboglinid  
anatomy coupled with molecular characterization of microbial symbiont  
communities is revolutionizing our knowledge of host-symbiont  
relationships in the metazoa. The unique evolutionary association of  
siboglinids with both geology, in the formation of spreading centres  
and seeps, and biology with the evolution of large whales, offers  
opportunities for studies of vicariant evolution and the calibration  
of molecular clocks.

Despite these advances, there has been a lack of synthesis between  
research teams working on different aspects of Siboglinidae. The mud- 
dwelling frenulates remain poorly studied. Vent and seep siboglinid  
research has largely been separated from that going on within the  
polychaete community, and the recent discoveries from whale-falls need  
to be integrated with that from vents and seeps. The goals of our  
workshop will be to:

• Present and discuss the latest research on siboglinids within a  
small, informal workshop/discursive environment
• Inspire and train young researchers in the evolution and ecology of  
siboglinids from extreme environments
• Highlight taxonomic gaps and develop new break-out teams with future  
taxonomic exchange proposals to CoML
• Integrate systematic, ecological and microbial research using  
Siboglinidae as a model system
• Develop an outline and writing-tasks for a large multi-author review  
paper for Advances in Marine Biology (or similar journal) to coincide  
with CoML 2009 events
Funding. The workshop is funded by ChEss who will cover the  
registration fees, tea, coffee, lunch, social events etc. for all  
participants. Additional funding for travel and subsistence is also  
available, priority will be given to junior researchers, graduate  
students and those with co-funding. Funding applications for travel  
and subsistence need to be submitted by June 15 2008, as a max 400  
word email outlining your research interests, talk to be presented and  
reason for requiring funding to thomas.dahlgren from zool.gu.se

Applications will be reviewed by the organizing committee by July 15  

For further information please contact:

Dr Adrian Glover a.glover from nhm.ac.uk

Dr Ana Hilário ahilario from bio.ua.pt

Dr Adrian Glover
Zoology Department
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Rd, London SW7 5BD, UK
+44 (0)20 7942 5056 (office)
+44 (0)77 666 48 440 (mobile)
mail: a.glover from nhm.ac.uk OR adrianglover from mac.com
web: http://web.mac.com/adrianglover

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