Dear all,
Hekaterobranchus shrubsolii Buchanan, 1890, was published after
the "British Association Code" of 1842, but before the "Regles
internationales de la Nomenclature zoologique" of 1905 and the first
edition of the "International Code of Zoological Nomenclature" (1961).
One could argue, therefore, that Buchanan was not formally bound by any
rules when she erected the name.
Personally, I am in favour of stability in nomenclature. Changing the
name of a species from H. shrubsolii to H. shrubsolei after 118 years
would mean that inexperienced people looking up the new version on the
internet might miss most of the available information for the species.
Also, the way I read the rules, they say that the name should not
If the name were to be erected today, it would certainly come under rule
31.1.2 of the fourth edition of the "International Code of Zoological
Nomenclature" (1999), which points to the name being shrubsolei
(although the example given in Article 31 suggests the original author
of the name could drop the letter e if she wanted).
However, Article 32.5 lists "Spellings that must be corrected", and this
case is not covered therein (Incorrect ............ latinization
............ not to be considered inadvertent errors).
Article 33 states "The correction of an incorrect original spelling in
accordance with Article 32.5 is a justified emendation
........................... Any other emendation is an unjustified
emendation ........................".
So, even though nowadays it would count as an "incorrect original
spelling", my opinion is that it should not be changed. I hope this
Alex Muir.
P.S. Changing the subject slightly, Hartmann-Schroder synonymised
Streblospio shrubsolii of Fauvel (1927), Friedrich (1940),
Hartmann-Schroder (1971) and Kirkegaard (1996) with Streblospio
benedicti Webster, 1879.
Mr. A.I. Muir
Polychaete Research Group, Department of Zoology, The Natural History
Museum, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, LONDON SW7 5BD, UNITED KINGDOM
Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 5567 Fax: +44 (0)20 7942 5054
-----Original Message-----
From: annelida-bounces from
[mailto:annelida-bounces from] On Behalf Of Vasily
Sent: 10 May 2008 10:11
To: annelida from
Subject: [Annelida] Streblospio shrubsol..ei..ii
Dear all,
Buchanan (1890) described new spionid worms from England and called
them after a person who collected the worms, Mr. Shrubsole, as
Hekaterobranchus shrubsolii (later referred to as Streblospio
"shrubsolii", with double "i" at the end, has widely been accepted
by taxonomists and was also spelled this way by Olga Hartman (1959) in
her "Catalogue of the Polychaetous Annelids of the World".
My question is should we continue using this incorrect spelling or
change the name to "shrubsolei", as it is required by the ICZN?
Waiting for opinions!
Vasily Radashevsky
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