[Annelida] Streblospio shrubsol..ei..ii

Andy Mackie via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Andy.Mackie from museumwales.ac.uk)
Mon May 12 09:04:09 EST 2008

Vasily, Geoff

As I understand it, Buchanan has named the species for Shrubsole fafter latinising his name to Shrubsolius.  The specific name would then correctly be shrubsolii.

If the name wasn't first latinised then shrubsolei would be correct.

I see can no reason to change the original name shrubsolii. See articles 31.1.1 & 33.4 of the code



Dr Andrew S. Y. Mackie
Marine Biodiversity
Department of Biodiversity & Systematic Biology
Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales

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