[Annelida] Polychaete detective work

J. Kirk Fitzhugh via annelida%40net.bio.net (by kfitzhug from nhm.org)
Tue May 13 18:30:01 EST 2008

No more contradictory, or an oxymoron, than attempting to compare 
cladograms based on partitioned data. At least 'acicular uncinus' has 
the proper empirical relation.

Geoff Read wrote:
> Come to think of it, 'acicular uncinus' (a needle hook) for a long-handled 'uncinus' is contradictory, bordering on an oxymoron, like 'loose tights', but then various non-terebellomorph hooks were once (maybe still are) called crochets, which is a hooked needle. Oh dear! 
> Geoff
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