Hi to everybody, sorry for cross-posting the message (1st announcement of
the next Polychaete Conference in Lecce-Italy 2010), but as the Latins
said... "Repetita juvant" (repetitions help)....
Maria Cristina
1st announcement 1st May 2008
from JUNE 20th to 26th, 2010.
We are pleased to announce that the 10th International Polychaete
Conference will be held in Lecce, Apulia, Italy, June 20-26, 2010. The
Conference will be hosted by the University of Salento (DiSTeBA Department,
Lecce). The venue will be the Grand Hotel TIZIANO, a major Hotel and
Convention Center serving in Lecce.
We anticipate that all of the participants and their families will be
accommodated in the Grand Hotel TIZIANO, meaning that both housing and the
Conference will be in the same building.
The Grand Hotel TIZIANO has the various exhibit and working halls that will
be the location for our poster and communication sessions, and those
exhibitors who will be at the Conference. The size of one of the exhibit
hall is such that all posters can be exhibited for the entire Conference.
Adriana Giangrande, from DiSTeBA Lecce
(<mailto:gianadri from ilenic.unile.it>gianadri from ilenic.unile.it) and Maria
Cristina Gambi from the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn of Naples
(<mailto:gambimc from szn.it>gambimc from szn.it) are the Organizers.
ANTHEUS (<mailto:antheus from unile.it>antheus from unile.it) will be the Events
Coordinator for all the logistic aspects.
Organizing Committee:
Margherita Licciano, Luigi Musco, Cataldo Pierri, Loredana Stabili, Roberto
Scientific Committee:
Carlo Nike Bianchi, Grazia Cantone, Alberto Castelli, Miriam Gherardi,
Luisa Nicoletti, Francesco Paolo Patti, Daniela Prevedelli, Gabriella Sella.
The guide-line of the Conference will be: Polychaetes as Biological and
Ecological Models: from taxonomy to applied research.
Development, Genetics and Physiology are included within Biological issues.
All the applied aspects are included within Ecological issues. Obviously
Taxonomy is a basic topic for both. Contributions of all aspects of
polychaete research, spanning from taxonomy to applied issues, can be
accepted for presentation. Priority for oral presentations will be given to
those contributions which address, through the use of polychaetes, more
general scientific questions. Pure alpha-taxonomy papers (description of
new species, genus or family revisions etc.) will be accepted only as posters.
We agreed to publish the Proceedings of the Conference in the Journal
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing (I.F. 2007 = 0.936).
For further information, you can go to the Journal web site
All the papers (oral presentations and posters) will be allowed to be
submitted for publication in the Proceedings after a preliminary selection
based on research general relevance, and after a peer review, as has been
the practice in past Conference Proceedings.
Other announcements will be posted to the Annelida List this
summer. Updates will be at the Conference WWW site: http://www.polychaeta.it.
We send to everyone our best regards and hope each of you already would
plan to come visit us for the Conference in Lecce in 2010, and maybe profit
to stay longer for holidays
Adriana Giangrande and Maria Cristina Gambi
Maria Cristina Gambi
Laboratorio di Ecologia del Benthos
(Stazione Zoologica "Anton Dohrn" di Napoli)
Punta S. Pietro
80077 Ischia (Napoli, Italy)
tel ++39 081 991410 or ++39 081 5833513
fax ++39 081 984201
e-mail:gambimc from szn.it