Dear Friends,
The restriction on presentation of purely alpha taxonomic papers to Posters
at the IPC was imposed by the Executive Committee of the IPA about 5-6
conferences past. This was not intended to denigrate the importance of good
species descriptions, but to spare the audience from hearing details of
uncini, numbers of branchiae, and so forth and also to avoid concurrent
sessions. Of course, papers that provide a synthesis of a taxonomic units
from a systematic, phylogenetic, or ecological perspective are in a
different category. However, requests for oral presentations are all
reviewed carefully and that is why it is very important that all
contributors whether requesting space for a Poster or Oral presentation
ensure that their abstract includes sufficient detail for evaluation.
Those of us who organize these conferences are also well aware that certain
individuals may need to present their paper orally in order to obtain travel
support. Such contributors are encouraged to develop their presentations in
such a manner that single species descriptions are avoided in lieu of the
larger picture and relevance of their work to polychaete systematics,
ecology, or perhaps biogeography. However, everyone should keep in mind
that with PowerPoint and CAD printers, very elegant poster presentations can
be prepared that are often more effective than oral presentations in a large
room with poor accoustics.
Jim Blake
International Polychaetology Assn.
On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 12:11 AM, Geoff Read < from> wrote:
> Forwarded for Sergio Salazar by request.
>> On 17/05/2008 at 2:12 a.m., Sergio Salazar <savs551216 from> wrote:
>> From: savs551216 from hotmail.comTo: gambimc from;
>annelida from RE: [Annelida] 10th Polychaete
> Conference: 1st announcementDate: Fri, 16 May 2008 14:07:04 +0000
>> Dear Maria Cristina, Adriana and colleagues, Since I regard myself as a
> key-maker, and a key-maker only, which might be way below the so-called
> "pure alpha-taxonomy", I was surprised about the emphasis given to the
> relevance of the taxonomical issues, and their surprising 'glorification' to
> be presented only as posters. It is true that there is an increasing time
> and effort needed as you move from a species list, to a species description,
> to a family revision. Why would they be regarded as equivalent? Since there
> is an increasing trend to do phylogenetic studies using morphology or
> molecular methods, but without making the traditional revisions, I fear we,
> as an academic society, are rejecting basic taxonomy. If this is actually
> the case, then we are in trouble. Despite the many phylogeny publications to
> date, there are still many problems regarding the delimitation of species,
> genera, and even families. If we do not encourage any attempts to solve
> these, or at least are more supportive of the efforts involved in them, who
> would be interested on any further pursuit? May I suggest you to have a more
> balanced approach, and evaluate the abstracts before deciding which would be
> the best means for its presentation? The critical factors might be the
> creativity involved, the novelty of the approach, or the amount of new
> subjects (genes, specimens, species, genera, families) being involved. If
> these features are not detailed in the abstract, they might be evaluated
> after a critical reading, combined with some knowledge about the specific
> literature. Taking these features in mind, even the description of a new
> species, or the analysis of a single biological feature, might deserve oral
> presentations, provided there are unique features or problems that have not
> been studied before. Thus, let research quality drive the type of
> presentation. Un abrazo cordial, Sergio
>> > Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 10:15:00 +0200> To:
>annelida from> From: gambimc from> CC: > Subject:
> [Annelida] 10th Polychaete Conference: 1st announcement> > Hi to everybody,
> sorry for cross-posting the message (1st announcement of > the next
> Polychaete Conference in Lecce-Italy 2010), but as the Latins > said...
> "Repetita juvant" (repetitions help)....> Maria Cristina> > > > 1st
> will be held in LECCE, ITALY > from JUNE 20th to 26th, 2010.> > The
> guide-line of the Conference will be: Polychaetes as Biological and >
> Ecological Models: from taxonomy to applied research.> Development, Genetics
> and Physiology are included within Biological issues. > All the applied
> aspects are included within Ecological issues. Obviously > Taxonomy is a
> basic topic for both. Contributions of all aspects of > polychaete research,
> spanning from taxonomy to applied issues, can be > accepted for
> presentation. Priority for oral presentations will be given to > those
> contributions which address, through the use of polychaetes, more > general
> scientific questions. Pure alpha-taxonomy papers (description of > new
> species, genus or family revisions etc.) will be accepted only as posters.
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