[Annelida] ecological information request

Sara Marzialetti via annelida%40net.bio.net (by s.marzialetti from icram.org)
Thu Oct 23 08:16:11 EST 2008

Hallo dear Colleagues,

I am analysing data from a long term environmental impact study and I 
suspect that some of the species recorded in time were confused with 
morphologically similar ones by different taxonomists. Therefore, I would 
like to find out to what extent  these diverse identifications changed the 
interpretation of the population ecology.
I am looking for information on the ecology of the following species, which 
I cannot locate in the bibliography that I have.
I would be very grateful if you could help me with it.
Could you also, if possible, list the source of the information?
Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Sara Marzialetti

Aricidea fragilis mediterranea

Aricidea fauveli

Paradoneis drachi

Paraonides neapolitana

Leanira yhleni

Glyphohesione klatti

Glycera tridactyla

Scoletoma tetraura

Aphelochaeta multibranchiis

Pectinaria koreni

Pectinaria auricoma

Sara Marzialetti, PhD


Via di Casalotti, 300

00166 Roma


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