If anyone does have a scan of the Ivan G. Zaks (or Zachs) 1933 work, or
has it handy could they send a copy my way also please?
There are over 20 new species in it, including some Polydora, and the
maldanid species José Eriberto wants, then described in Asychis. The
title and the journal name are variously seen in transliteration.
Zoological Record 1935 hardcopy simply has journal as: "Explorations
des Mers URSS Leningrad" which is probably not going to help much. And
they use 'Zaks'
>>> On 2/12/2009 at 12:26 a.m., José Eriberto
Assis<eri.assis from gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I would like to known if somebody has this reference in PDF or Copy
and can
> send me: [...]
> Zars, I. 1933. K. faune koĺchatykh chevi Severo-Yaponskogo moarya.
> annelidan fauna of the northern parte of the Sea of Japan].
> Gidrologicheskii instit. Issledovaniya Morei SSSR. no. 19, 125-137
> Russianm with German summary].
> I am indentify some species of the Maldanidae and I found the species
> *Chirimia
> punctata *(Zars, 1933) for the Brazil, and I need confirm if this
species is
> the sheme species of the Japan coast (Seas of Japan and Okhotsk).
> Best wishes
> Thank you very much
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