[Annelida] Raphidrilus specimens request

Wagner Magalhaes via annelida%40net.bio.net (by magalhaeswf from yahoo.com.br)
Thu Dec 3 19:00:17 EST 2009

Dear all,


We have
been working on an undescribed Raphidrilus
very abundant on an invasive alga in Oahu´s shallow water, Hawaii. Since Petersen and George (1991)
pointed out that Raphidrilus nemasoma
Monticelli, 1910 series type have been lost or never kept, we wonder if anyone has recently
collected specimens from the type locality (Gulf of Napoli) or
any other location where unidentified Raphidrilus
specimens have been found (e.g. from Florida or British Columbia, Canada). 


Any help/info
would be greatly appreciated,



Research Assistant

Wormlab, University of Hawaii

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